Responsive Website Design for Performance N26


In 2016, N26 expanded their product to 5 languages and 17 countries. I was part of a small team responsible for a website redesign with a focus on giving content teams more autonomy, driving conversion and reducing lead times for page launches.


Information Architecture Inspiration

UX Challenge  

The website was not capable of handling multiple regions and locales, the current look of the website did not match the N26 brand, the conversion rate was low and as our company expanded it was taking far too long for teams to publish pages.


full website inventory

Breakdown of current website and phased focus pages


After an initial research phase my team and I picked a CMS that met regulatory, technical, security and design requirements.

 We chose Contentful.

 We took a full inventory of our current website and broke it down into content pieces. Further more we initiated phased releases to get our work out to the teams as soon as possible.


Module Reasoning

Reusable components that would function as building blocks for our content teams to launch performance and web pages.

UX Challenge #2

Reusable components solved the issue of autonomy and gave our team the tools they needed to reduce lead times but I was hesitant to allow other teams to much flexibility. There was a fine line between equipping them with the tools they needed to do their job, educating them on best practices and then designing modules that gave just the amount of autonomy to not jeopardise brand.


Module Breakdown

UX Solution

We started off small, introducing 6 main components to build performance marketing pages. After assessing the usability of these components we expanded to offer building blocks and proper documentation to the team on how the can push these further

Designing modules for 17 markets and 5 languages meant that we needed to place importance on character limitations especially as line widths and headers started the be drawn out. We gave documentation on what qualifies as an H1 - H5 tag and when/where to use them.


Video Player


The smart architecture and our CMS allowed us to prepare our website for a launch in the USA within 3 weeks. The learnings from this launch allowed us to reduce the lead time for a product launch to only 10 days.

By transitioning to a new website N26 was able to improve the conversion rate. It allowed editors to launch pages within hours instead of weeks, it strengthened our brand image and effectively communicated to 17 core markets with a very small internal team.